
Northern border continues to outpace southwest border on terrorist-connected apprehensions

In July, Border Patrol agents apprehended 871 people trying to enter the U.S. illegally in the Swanton Sector at the northern border with Canada. Photo courtesy U.S. Border Patrol.

By Bethany Blankley, for The Center Square

(The Center Square) – In fiscal 2023, there were 736 known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) apprehended at the northern and southwest borders, The Center Square first reported.

They represent the greatest number recorded in U.S. history.

A significant majority – 66% – were apprehended at the northern border, 487. By comparison, 249 were apprehended at the southwest border.

The trend continues in fiscal 2024, with KST northern border apprehensions outpacing those at the southwest border by a similar margin.

Fiscal year to date, there have been 144 KSTs apprehended, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data last updated Jan. 26.

The majority, 90, were apprehended at the northern border, nearly all at northern border ports of entry.

KSTs are primarily apprehended two different ways by two different federal agents. They are apprehended by Office of Field Operations (OFO) agents working at land ports of entry and by Border Patrol agents working between ports of entry.

At the northern border, the majority of KSTs are apprehended at northern border ports of entry, at the southwest border, the majority are apprehended between ports of entry, according to CBP data.

The Terrorist Screening Dataset is the federal database that contains sensitive information on terrorist identities, CBP said. It originated as a consolidated terrorist watchlist “to house information on known or suspected terrorists but evolved over the last decade to include additional individuals who represent a potential threat to the United States, including known affiliates of watchlisted individuals.”

By comparison, OFO and Border Patrol agents combined apprehended a total of 478 KSTs in fiscal 2022, 173 in fiscal 2021, 199 in fiscal 2020, 541 in fiscal 2019, 357 in fiscal 2018, and 353 in fiscal 2017.

The higher number of northern border KST apprehensions continues as agents working in the busiest northern border CBP sector apprehended more illegal border crossers in fiscal 2023 than they had in the previous 11 years combined.

Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 6,700 foreign nationals from 76 countries attempting to enter the U.S. illegally from Canada, a 550% increase in apprehensions from fiscal 2022. The sector spans 295 miles of border in northeastern New York, Vermont and New Hampshire.

The U.S.-Canada border is the longest international border in the world of 5,525 miles. Unlike the U.S.-Mexico border, there are no border walls or similar barriers separating the U.S. from Canada. Most of the northern border is demarcated by rivers, lakes, mountains, ravines and forests. While many miles of the remote northern border remain unpatrolled due to a number of factors, agents at ports of entry consistently apprehend the most KSTs.

KST apprehensions there continue to increase after U.S. Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyoming, sounded the alarm last fall, saying, “It is painfully clear that with Joe Biden’s open border policies, our country is really at an increased threat for a terrorist attack.”

Barrasso did so on the same day FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate about terrorist threats facing Americans. Wray said the FBI was conducting multiple investigations into Hamas-related threats in the U.S. after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

He also expressed concern about “The world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, the Iranians, for instance, have directly, or by hiring criminals, mounted assassination attempts against dissidents and high-ranking current and former U.S. government officials, including right here on American soil.”

More than a month after he spoke, northern border agents apprehended an Iranian with terrorist ties. Retired FBI officials also warned Congress last week that a terrorist attack was likely imminent and preventable.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., who posted a copy of their letter on X, said it “describes the chilling reality of why the president’s open border is a clear and present danger to America.”

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol

Categories: Border, National News

8 replies »

  1. Wonderful…..I take it they are here joining their terrorist brethren in Montpelier.

  2. our military is in other countries starting the third world war/// they do not repel invasion in our country/// the banking problem is fast approaching///

  3. And Balint is ok with it. She voted against impeaching Mayorkas and is fine with the WHO pandemic treaty as well as UN Agenda 2030. This is what happens when elections are bought and paid for.

  4. Remember, Vermont’s ” RINO ” Governor likes Illegals, as do his cronies in the
    State House, liberal politics killing the state !!

    Wake up people………………………

  5. Yet Phil Scott D Vermont is against a secure southern border and was in favor of a border plan that was scrapped (thankfully) by level heads prevailing.

    • Not enough to rejoice about. More RINO’s refused to impeach Mayork-ass so our invasion continues.

  6. Isn’t there a law about aiding and abetting criminals? Is illegal entry into the United States a crime? Is there not an oath to protect United States citizens from invasion? Are laws or oaths not worth the paper they are written on? Who is responsible for law enforcement? Do we have law enforcement or is it all an illusion? Why are we laboring and paying taxes to support criminal conduct?

    “A criminal charge of “aiding and abetting” or serving as an accessory after the fact of a crime derives from accomplice liability (or complicity). Most states permit criminal charges against anyone who helps another in the commission of a crime. Of course, legal definitions and distinctions may vary by state. A person charged with these accomplice crimes may not be present when the crime itself is committed. Still, they often have knowledge of the crime before or after the fact. They may assist the principal offender with advice, actions, or financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the accomplice’s participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy.” FindLaw – fact checked and legally reviewed August 2023

    Homeland Defense: US Department of Defense

    Question: What is Homeland Defense?
    Answer: The protection of U.S. sovereignty, territory, domestic population, and critical defense infrastructure against external threats and aggression, or other threats as directed by the President. The Department of Defense is responsible for homeland defense.
    Question: What is Homeland Security?
    Answer: A concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur. The Department of Homeland Security is the lead Federal agency for homeland security.

    Question: What is DoD’s role in the security of the U.S. borders?

    Answer: In accordance with Section 202 of Title 6, U.S. Code, DHS is responsible for “[s]ecuring the borders, territorial waters, ports, terminals, waterways, and air, land, and sea transportation systems of the United States” and “[p]reventing the entry of terrorists and the instruments of terrorism into the United States.” DoD’s role in the execution of this responsibility, as noted earlier, is to provide support to DHS, when requested, appropriate, lawful, and approved by the President or the Secretary of Defense.

  7. Thousands of “suspected terrorists” are getting in and doing zero terrorist attacks? Or did border patrol just catch every single terrorist? Or is this whole thing completely made up and gullible people will just believe anything the government says to scare them?