
College grads sing National Anthem

Kevin Ellis yesterday shared on his social media this 2020 commencement version of the Star Spangled Banner. Kevin is a Montpelier resident, former Vermont lobbyist, solidly progressive liberal blogger, and a good man.

Kevin and I, we don’t agree on much. Yet he is also clearly someone who dearly loves America, judging by his sharing of this performance by 2020 graduates of the University of Washington.

In his notes in the Tweet sharing this link, Kevin wrote, “This is my America.”

I get the sentiment. But, Kevin – no. This is Our America. Yours, mine, and everyone else who despite our differences can agree to play by the rules that have made this country what it is.

Anyone else out there need a lift? Give a listen…and share. – Editor

Categories: Video

1 reply »

  1. This is probably the most beautiful singing of our National Anthem that I have ever heard. Thank you for making it available. Happy 4th of July to all.