
Wilson: Compromise is a trap

by Charles Wilson

In the beginning, even before the Constitution, was the Declaration of Independence. It passed unanimously; one absent, one abstained. We had a united union of states and people. Then the Constitution, the Law of the Land, then the power struggle, party politics and compromise. Now look where we are. Both Vermont and the United States of America are trapped in moral decay, poor education, lawlessness, debt, etc. What is your favorite part of the Federal Spending Bill of 1.2 trillion dollars? Printed money? Printed money devalues our wealth and forty percent of the printed money in the USA was printed in the last 12-15 months. It includes…

Charles Wilson

1- $850,000 for gay senior housing in Massachusetts.

2- $15 million for Egyptian college tuition.

3- $400,000 to help teens hide their gender.

4- $500,000 for an anti-racist, nature appreciation group at the San Diego Zoo.

5-$300 million to the Ukraine.

Now I don’t want to offend anyone but we really need to Get Real. Just where did our workers go after the COVID period? We have gone from a hard-working state to a hand-out state. Why don’t migrants need to be legally in the state?!

The State of Vermont House of Representatives voted an 8.8 billion Dollar Budget on April 3, 2024. This needs to be cut…very deeply in the Senate.

A Shadow Government is actually politics, which resides not only with publicly elected representatives but also with private individuals who exercise power behind the backs of the American people. Deep State is a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies, believed to be involved in secret manipulation or control of government policy. The deep state and its policy of allowing extremist ideologies to flourish, are issues of deep concern. Both the shadow government and the deep state work with the United Nations to dilute and move away from the Constitution, therefore digressing to tyranny and losing our God given rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Our public schools, superintendents and school boards, indoctrinate instead of educating with reading, writing, math, patriotism, Constitution, and civics. They change history and confuse our children. They tell children that boys and girls are the same…not true and do we really need to explain why or how? Medical Deception: The American Medical Association (AMA) says the gender of a child should not be on a birth certificate because we do not know it until the child chooses it which is evil to teach this.

The Housing crisis is created by prices set so high that only the rich can afford to purchase homes. Vermont is encouraging people to move to here to establish businesses, but only the rich can afford the land and homes. The Housing advocates from out of state, proclaim to protect tenants and create affordable housing. If the state does everything, it can only do it after it TAKES everything. In other words, nothing will be privately owned. This is based on the United Nations 2030 Agenda and 17 Sustainable Development goals framework. Please look it up… It is socialism. The Greens and Radical Left have shown they will sacrifice the poor and the elderly – willingly.

To conclude, those who want to “Get Real” need to walk across the aisle and help the Left see that they are living and promoting untruths. We cannot compromise the integrity and values of America and Vermont or we will be trapped for good. It is the DUTY of the legislators to represent the citizens, the people, the legal residents and not outside agendas or party politics! Beware of activists who cause trouble and cost taxpayers money!

The author is a Lyndon resident, former House representative for Caledonia-3, and a Republican. He sat on the Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency and Forestry.

Categories: Commentary

18 replies »

  1. Compromise is a trap!

    Precisely, Mr. Wilson. Thank you for clarifying our legislative sophistry. ‘Compromise’ is a false premise. Our Constitution (Federal and State) does not stipulate ‘compromise’. Our rule of law is one reliant on ‘due process’. Period.

    The Problem: Due Process no longer exists. A corrupt judiciary is enabling corrupt legislators. As Ben Franklin opined in 1787:

    “In these Sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its Faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years, and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other. ”

    Clearly, as Franklin warned, we have arrived at that end.

    The question now is, can we recover? While always hopeful, I fear the odds are exceedingly long in this regard.

    • “Beware of activists who cause trouble and cost taxpayers money!”

      The judiciary, the legislature, the executive branches of government, the legacy media, and everyone beholden to their power to inflict pain and suffering on us, are ‘the activists’. They are, as Stanley Milgram characterized them to be in his 1963 experiment, ‘the teachers’. The rest of us are ‘the learners’.

  2. when the color of my truck is gray and the community votes and said it is blue, should i compromise and go with the flow/// past history in vermont shows that this is not a good idea///

    • Excellent point, mday44…

      But what happens if you sell your ‘gray’ truck to someone expecting to buy a ‘grey’ truck? And the community determines that you have breached a sales contract, that you are to be indicted for fraud, and that you must spend whatever resources you have to defend yourself – all while ‘the community’ uses your tax dollars to fund its actions against you? Yes, doesn’t this sound familiar. It’s ‘lawfare’.

      The same can be said for failing to follow the community determination on pronoun assignment, racial and religious differentiation, financial fairness, you name it.

      The point is that ‘the community’ (the deep State) has no business voting on these issues in the first place. But as long as ‘the experimenter’ tells ‘the teacher’ to punish ‘the learner’, and “… in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the costs come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom.”

    • Bravo, Mr. Eshelman. A brilliant connection to the corruption running rampant in Vermont and America.

  3. “Compromise” and “reaching across the aisle” are but platitudes, overused by the marxist left as a talking point. Mr. Williams is correct and accurate about the Deep State, and like it or not, The Deep State is thriving in Vermont’s legislature.
    legislative members such as bray, baruth, white, krowinski, sheldon, lalonde and a hundred others are never going to compromise, nor “reach across the aisle”. They as a super-majority have no need to. The dogma they covet, the orders they follow can be challenged, proven wrong (think about how many “unintended consequences” we now are forced to live with and pay for.) and still these hubristic marxist elitists have no need to pay heed to reality. Vermont voters and the election rules of 2020 have ensconced them in their positions for as long as they decide to
    continue their totalitarian “service” to Vermont. “They”-the leftist marxist, control Vermont’s legislative branch and the bureaucracy of Vermont. “They” will never willingly give up that power and control. In a sick, perverted way, Vermont has become a small mirror of the federal government- without the ability to print money- for now. In a bit, REC’s, Renewable Energy Credits will become their currency.

    • A lot of these disingenuous lawmakers (fleecers of the public) would not recognize a public servent if it injected them with Naloxone to bring them out of their power induced stuper. Can anyone tell me if they (legislators) smoke a cigarette after sticking us with new taxes ?

  4. Ah, “compromise”. Or my favorite, “reach across the aisle”. Same difference. The Demonrats want the conservatives to “compromise”, while the Republcans want the libtoids to “compromise”.

    Sounds reasonable, right? Problem is, the Demonrats are completely united on their core (radical) agenda. Defect and you face the consequences. Your political career is probably done, or will be shortly. Republicans, on the other hand, regularly break with their core (constituents’) agenda. They call it “compromise”. But compromise has to be a two-way street, and what we have now is most definitely a one way street with loads of cross streets for Republicans to get on. And they do. And yet, we continue electing the same old, same old.

    This is why I support Donald J Trump. He has a spine. He will go into battle himself against thousands, knowing that through sheer force of will and knowing that right is right no matter what, he will prevail.

    Why can’t we find more people like that? You have MTG. You have Gaetz. You have Massie. (Sometmes) you have Rand Paul. They’ll all spit into the wind just because it’s the right thing to do, and damn the consequences. Right is right, right? So why ever back down if you know you’re doing the right thing? I’ll never understand those who do. I’m not wired that way, and I don’t care what people think about me. I stand up and state what I believe, as I think the majority of Americans do.

    So what next? Is the current state of government devolution destined to continue and be our children’s cross to bear? Doesn’t have to be. 80% of Americans support full voter ID. 70% of Americans support having an effective border. 80% of Americans believe there are two genders. You think you’re “represented”? Hardly.

    Solution – Term limits. Also supported by 60%+ of Americans. Our Founding Fathers never meant for government to be a career, nor could they have foreseen it happening. So get out there. Get petitions going. Force the question onto the ballot in the state. As traction gets gained, which is inevitable, then a coalition of states can move to convene a Constitutional Convention. But we have to start somewhere. We need to say no to the current madness, and we can’t “wait for others to do it” or be lone wolves and “do it by myself”. Every snowman starts with one tiny snowball.

  5. Well, Vermont you elect these inept fools, year after year, and you expect something to change, well something has changed, and it’s the destruction of this state from within………………………. wake up people, all you are is the piggy bank with your taxes.

    Are you being used for nonsense agendas, yup…. wake up people, you can save the state and our country !!

  6. Well, the compromise is not delineating where the lines are. You’ve touched on this topic in your article.

    However, the Get Real marketing crowd in the VTGOP don’t even know whom are pulling all the triggers in Vermont, who (no pun intended) is pulling all the mandates and covid rulings, who is running our state and what the operations manual and program involves.

    Nobody in the VTGOP is publicly talking about censorship and propaganda.
    Major Red Flag

    Nobody in the VTGOP is publicly talking about the puppet masters, the NWO minions, in fact THEY VOTE FOR THOSE DOING THEIR BIDDING!!!!

    Nobody in VTGOP is coming up with a solid plan that rino’s, conservatives, and liberals can get behind, the common issues amongst ALL Vermonters due to the Marxist thoughts and plans.

    We are not singing the same song, we are not working in harmony, which is the dream fantasy of any color revolution, Marxist plan, community organizer… all different shade of green from the same tree.

    And guess who wins? They do.

    Until one can get a group of people working in harmony, we’ll accomplish little and foster the growth of division.

    We have to be wiser than snakes and more innocent than doves.


  7. Respectfully, the problem is that politicians – on both sides – and their ‘insider’ friends are perfectly happy with the status quo. They can keep us divided with wedge issues while they grab every cent they can from the tax trough (federal, state and – to a lesser extend – town) . One side frames the debate as “only the heartless could refuse” while the other points out the lunacy but throw up their hands and cry “compromise” when it’s time to vote.

    They tax the middle class to death to “tackle” the problems of the most unfortunate among us. They don’t tackle any of these problems, though. They make them worse because they have set up a system of incentives that funnels more money to themselves as the number of the unfortunate grows.

    There is no limit to their greed. They will cheat the elections. They will demonize and destroy opponents and their families. They will turn your children against you.

    And still they are not satisfied. They want even more. They know what they are doing.

  8. Wazup ? I posted a comment here twice, about 15 minutes apart, and it has not shown up yet ? Is there a problem ?

  9. It would be great to see many of the active commenters on VDC running for office this year

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