Free tuition + $35K for ‘animal rights law’ activists

Treasurer Mike Pieciak, AG Charity Clark, Rep. Amy Sheldon (from left) and (at right) Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman on panel at EAN summit meeting September 29. Photo credit Charity Clark public Facebook page.

by Guy Page

Vermont Law and Graduate School in South Royalton, in partnership with the Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy and Brooks McCormick Jr. Trust for Animal Rights Law and Policy, will offer up to three residential Animal Law LLM fellowships for the 2024-25 academic year, with full tuition waivers plus stipends of $35,000 to cover expenses.  

According to a VLGS statement, Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy Fellows will earn an Animal Law LLM degree and work toward advancing legal protections for animals. VLGS’s animal law program is built on the growing recognition of the interconnections between human, environmental and animal well-being, which is reflected in course offerings, events and mentorships.

The Vermont Legislature last year heard testimony on limiting trapping, restricting hunting bears and coyotes with dogs, and considered other legislation regarding cruelty to both wild and domesticated animals. 

AG Charity Clark applauds closed-door climate change policy meeting – Vermont’s Attorney General spoke with glowing praise of the Energy Action Network annual summit – an event that was closed to non-invited Vermonters, as Alison Despathy reported September 28 (“Public not welcome, but lawmakers are at energy summit”).

AG Charity Clark posted on her Facebook page four days ago, September 29: “Climate change is the existential crisis of our time. Talking about solutions with fellow political leaders today at @energyactionnetwork_vt annual summit was charged with hope. Thank you to my fellow panelists, moderator Rep. Gabrielle Stebbins, and summit participants.”

As Despathy noted, participants included only the invited – presumably mostly pro-renewable power lawmakers, students, and policy advocates. In a place where connections are made and alliances among decision-makers are formed, participation was selected by EAN leadership. 

It’s notable that Stebbins – who consistently votes in support of renewable power and climate change initiatives – is a member of the EAN advisory board and makes her (non-legislature) living as “managing consultant at Hinesburg-based Energy Futures Group, where she assists residents, communities, and utilities in efficiently shifting to renewable energy,” according to her legislative biography. 

Other elected officials seen appearing at the meeting include Treasurer Mike Pieciak, House Natural Resources and Energy Chair Amy Sheldon, and Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman.

Anti-Ukraine war rally – a reader passed along this coming event of a rally opposing U.S. involvement in the Russo-Ukrainian war: “Wed., Oct. 4, State-wide rally/demonstration, Burlington,   “Stop funding the war, start talks now!” against Ukraine War. Meet at “Democracy” statue, 199  Main St., 11 a,m. then march up Church Street.  Main rally noon at 1 Church Street in front of Sen. Sanders’ office. Sponsored by VT Peace/Anti-war Coalition, WILPF, and Vets for Peace. Rain date, Oct. 5. Info: 802 862-2024.”

Categories: SHORTS

9 replies »

  1. Animal rights law at Vermont Law School in the state that refuses the recognize the rights of the unborn. This brings to mind the right to life of unborn human beings. Check out this video in which is argued a federal constitutional protection for the unborn. If the federal constitution through the application of the 14 Amendment gives the unborn human a right to equal protection, any “right” to abortion would be suspect, including any state constitutional right. The federal right to life would trump the Vermont right to abortion. The argument in support of the right to life is persuasive. Will the current court consider it? And what will they decide? Time will tell. Perhaps Vermont Law School should study the issue.

  2. I just roll my eyes when someone is introduced from, VLS. There is a distinct reason they aren’t attending a major, a respected institution.

  3. Lord help us ! These disingenuous dirt bags just keep coming with the intentions of educating the rubes that inhabit their new choice of residence . You know, the rubes that inhabited their new choice of residence before they graced us with their presence, and made it what they saw as a place they would enjoy taking over . Aya we may all be Americans, but we ain’t all Vermonters .

  4. Liberal leftist Dem Swamp Rat 🐀 🐀 support killing babies and you care about Animals! Bullcrap period!
    Wake up Americans wake!are you awake yet people??

  5. The Chicken Little barnyard despots hold a private, invite only meeting to plot and scheme how to steal more money out of the pockets of the debt slaves. How Bilderburg Group-Davosish! They only dream they get a seat at that big table, but alas they are only useful overly compensated stooges – doing the bidding of their Master. No wonder China and Russia are gaining the upperhand and ready to detonate the USA into financial rubble – we are weak, woefully ignorant, and our leadership is corrupted to the core – easy pickings! The world is laughing at us and the tares are ready for harvest.

    • More likely on the 11th – they love those double digit dates – and 11 seems to be their jackpot dates. Remember they always subtly broadcast their intentions before the plot is released. Playbook known and it’s centuries old.

  6. Nothing new here. The Vermont Law School has been encouraging their students to get involved in Vermont Fish, and Wildlife matters for years. The first time I remember was at the first Moose Management hearing at the Pavilion Auditorium. 15 or 20 of them came to that to disrupt that hearing. Mind you few if any were Vermont residents, but they were allowed their chance to speak right along with the folks of Essex County that were personally impacted by the burgeoning moose populations on the roads that they travel daily. One old hippie from Kentucky even stated that “the season should happen during mating season, when the bulls are full of testosterone, and might possibly charge the hunter”. Um, I believe that is when the moose hunting season was, and still is, so I guess he should be happy ? Anti-hunters (animal rights activists) are a disingenuous lot, they would have you believe if they could only get this one request approved you will never hear from us again. Ya, right.