Letters to the Editor

Letters: Mazur on Marxist anti-semites, Heaslip on destructive taxation, Moyer on boots in the mud

My fellow Vermonters:

Hate rants like “Death To America, Israel and Jews” are being shouted in this country.  They are from agitators and protest groups, who want to destroy our country and replace it with a new Marxist state.  A Gonzaga University study showed that from the years 1900 to 1987, Marxists governments slaughtered over 160 million people through their Socialists, Communists, or Fascists Governments.  The protestors are embracing this ideology and its government control.  They are well organized and well-funded by terrorist organizations and billionaire Democrats with support from the Democrat Party.

It is not just colleges influencing these students on isolated campuses.  Supporters are also in our Congress.  Marxists representatives like the Squad’s AOC and Ilhan Omar in the House, and Senators like Bernie Sanders play a major role of influencing agitators with Marxists ideology.

This movement is not going away. It is growing through the Socialist political agenda of Democrats.  Expect more of this to come.  Polling shows most Democrats accept Socialism where large central government ensures diversity, inclusion and equity over local and smaller government where hard work and achievement is merit based.  The vociferous agitators today are future leaders who will move from college campuses to being leaders in our society. 

Wake up!!!!  Actions need to be taken to regain our culture and society.  Start at the ballot box!  You can stop the destruction of our country in blue states and Congress!  Do you want Marxists Democrat Socialism or Freedom and Liberty advocated by Republican’s?   You get what you accept!

-Frank Mazur, South Burlington

To our legislators:

The actions by Vermont Lawmakers have raised our property taxes by over 15% this year…ALONE.

What other taxes are they proposing this year?  They should remember we are not fools ….we understand that when you raise taxes on corporations and businesses, those additional costs trickle down to us.

Our legislators  take, take, take.  Spend foolishly on things that don’t matter – green energy without mentioning nuclear and housing for the homeless when most people need help for their addictions and mental health (please read the article by Michael Shellenberger on homelessness). And ignore the real needs of Vermonters.  An example, in the April 2024 Vermont Foodbank Update it notes there has been a 35% increase in guests to local food shelves; 53% see guests coming more often, 51% see more food need per visit and a 70% increase in new guests.

Our legislators don’t seem to understand the negative consequences high taxes have on communities …. You are forcing people to food shelters and using welfare services.  Maybe that is the goal – to take away the independence of Vermonters and make them rely on the state.

That is not who we are!  It is time for our legislators to start listening to the Governor on fiscal matters and not rely on their “supermajority” to pass pet projects. Governor Scott and his team are much better are feeling the pulse of Vermonters.

-Bonnie Heaslip, Charlotte

To the editor:

Regarding H.887 that is now on its way to The Senate, I just wrote to my House Rep. Carl Demrow, who is on the Ways and Means Committee and to Gov. Phil Scott.

With the Bill H 877, there is $315,000 being allocated from the general fund to support a committee of 20 or so individuals, all who are the usual suspects in the “ education system.” None represent Vermont’s 66 Parents Teachers Associations who tirelessly work throughout Vermont in the socialization, volunteering, co-supporting feet on the ground to preserve the bonds between parents students and teachers within our public schools.

In my letters to both the Governor and Rep. Carl Demrow I asked to immediately rectify the committee composition so that it be actually representative on this points: no taxation without representation, and post-Covid 19.

Parents once again can safely resume their responsibilities and obligations for decent civil behavior that their children carry with them to school and support a home life of that includes reading to their children at home, coaching them, sharing experiences real time in real life and not using technology. Be they rich or poor parents, all parents and those in associations can work to help support their in school child’s teachers, coaches and trainers for a real education and skilling up our children to lead productive lives.

No one requires a PhD or M.A. or E.D.U or MBA or data and statistics to know to put boots on to walk in the mud. Parents use their innate intuition, their own five senses in making meaningful and lasting change to define what is quality education at a good price.

=Libby Moyer, Vershire

Categories: Letters to the Editor

8 replies »

  1. Thank you Frank for your article. Equity for all those who haven’t figured it out amounts to socialism. The United Nations defines equality broadly where policies and legislation is enacted to offset the “unnatural inequities in society”. The goal is to make all outcomes equal.

  2. College students shouldn’t even be involved in politics…they don’t really know anything. Unfortunately they are being taught and prepared for activism, not the quest for wisdom, which in truth is a search for the grounding and understanding of one’s soul and its place in this world as God intended. They follow causes because they lack security and want to be a part of the latest so called ‘popular trends’ of protests which they don’t even understand…climate, antisemitism, homosexuality, gender dysphoria…Gaza and Palestine…you name it and they can’t give a logical argument or case for defending these movements. All conflicts have a root cause which is sin, pure and simple and oh so obvious. Government and liberals love to throw money at all the consequential symptoms, but never tackle the root source which is sin. But we can’t expect a godless country with its godless representatives and power structure to recognize and identify sin as the Bible instructs us to do, can we? Until we return to our Judao-Christian values, we will continue on this course of destruction.

    • “Advancement of Public Action” – an actual MAJOR offered by Bennington College!!! Now, you tell me what employment prospects a 21-year-old might expect to see with that diploma? Zero. These people instead foolishly believe that they will be placed in the highest ranks of the mission of the WEF & the New World Order – and instead they are and will always be nothing more than useful idiots to these billionaires & their mission to lord over all of humanity. These propagandized kiddos will be the first to go after they have served their function as they know too much in terms of how to effectively overthrow government & usurp authority. Before their heads hit the chopping block, they might want to at least request a reimbursement for their tuition at Bennington though. It never hurts to ask.

  3. College students, high school students, elementary students are all being set up to destroy their own futures – all by design. They are pawns in a game they don’t know how to play or know even exists. The adults in the room are too bamboozled and hoodwinked to realize their children are being kidnapped and taken hostage through information warfare mind control tactics. The tactics started a long time ago and has led us all down a road to ruin.

    What happened in the Summer of 2020 is repackaged and rebooted for 2024 – it is selection season! The same playbook, different narrative, different cause, and unfolds in more division, more violence, more despair, more lost wages, more property damages, lost education, more taxes and more expenses out of our emptying pockets. Yes, they want the lint too!

    So why is the United States military building a multi-million dollar dock in Gaza? Humanitarian aid or readying for an occupation that lasts another 20 years? As my uncles said years ago (all service veterans), wherever the United States builds a military base in another country, we never leave. The kids are not all right and neither are the adults funding the corporation of the USA and it’s owners.

  4. Great idea to include “Letters to the Editor.” Thank you VDC.

  5. was this another project for a new american century/// do the research on this subject////