Letters to the Editor

Letter to lawmakers: “You never do the right thing. You need to step down”

Taxpayer targets lawmakers who voted for new taxes, 15% property tax hike to ‘fix’ school spending

Which legislators voted this week to raise property taxes 15-18%, create two new forms of taxation, but not cut spending?

To the editor:

The super majority never does the right thing. Rep. Bartley [“School funding bill with 15-18% property tax hike, two new taxes,” April 25 VDC] is right – and it is the same outcome that the loser dems/progs came up with after “working” on the unsustainable teachers pensions. No solution and it doesn’t stop the bleeding.

The Dems and Progs modus operandi – pretend to work on something and do nothing, then spend more money. You need to cut spending. We cannot afford a 15% property tax hike.

You never do the right thing. And it gets worse. Dems and Progs come up with garbage bills on climate that do nothing to help the planet but do plenty to hurt struggling Vermonters and are filled with negative unintended consequences. Bills that require “new hires” to implement. Guess what? We can’t afford new hires!

You need to step down. And how much are our taxes going up when we get sued for not reaching some unsustainable and unattainable climate measure? Imagine being stupid enough to vote for a bill like that. Voting against the people you “represent” by putting them in a position where they are likely to get sued! Nice work Dems and Progs. We’ll pay those who sue us with your salaries first.

Karen Rowell, Burlington

Categories: Letters to the Editor

13 replies »

  1. These people are never going to step down, for it is not what power-mongering, arrogant, dictatorial, authoritarians do.
    They need to be exposed for who they are and expelled for the carnage they deliver.
    And such action requires being executed by this government comprised of, by, and for the people.
    The Tree of Liberty….”Must be Refreshed with the Blood of Patriots and Tyrants”…..

    • I agree. We cannot keep raising taxes and other fees.
      I’d like to see a list of legislators that vote for higher education taxes, etc.

  2. “Imagine being stupid enough to vote for a bill like that.”

    Oh this funny little riff caused me to involuntarily snort my coffee.

    While we’re playing the imagination game, let’s imagine how repugnant you’d have to be to vote for a Constitutional amendment that guarantees abortions up until the day of birth. Congratulations, you just imagined 77% of Vermont voters.

    • Most Vermont voters are like heat-seeking missiles. Any ballot with any name with a (D) or (P) aside it, or any article or proposition associated with same is their target.
      Then, instead of an explosion, the result is a tiny pen-marked oval indicating their selection.

      It is afterward in the months, years, and decades that follow that one witnesses the inevitable explosion.

      Hence, women are able to murder their own fully developed, viable, human offspring now – even for irrational & diabolical reasons such as sex selection, just like Communist China did. Yay!

  3. I would lump the GOP into the accountable/responsible column as well. They sat on their hands going along to get along. Their voting records and platitude rhetoric stands as proof of such for decades. The modus operandi is Operation Tincup. The State of Vermont, from Congress down to Town Clerk, Judiciary, law enforcement, and all between, are more than content to keep the game going as unconscionable, self-serving grifters and “just doing their jobs.” We the People are responsible as well – letting them get away with it and being ignorant to the con jobs. Where is the remedy? Good question. We ask it every day to little avail or resolution.

    • I am banned on most GOP sites for making the same proclamation..

      I’m sick of hearing just vote Republican..

      I refuse to vote blindly again ever in my life whatever party I choose to vote for.

      It’s unbelievable that the GOP would ask us to vote for a governor that voted for Joe Biden along with other rinos who then went on to sign a petition circulated by minority speaker of the House Patti McCoy to remove Donald Trump from office early in spite of the fact he was on trial being impeached.

      Our own Republican party was gleeful to get on with the destruction of America as we now see it under the Biden crime regime..

      So here we are now on to the 2024 elections..

      In 2022 I was asked by Gregory Thayer who was running as lieutenant Governor and lost to Joe Benning to form a write-in campaign for him to become lieutenant Governor.

      He sent me names and told me there would be 8 to 10 other people willing to help out..

      One of those people was Jim Sexton..

      After all of the hard work we did taking pictures in the Rutland County Republican office as Greg requested us to do.

      He then discussed with us forming a web page for him telling us exactly what he wanted to appear on that web page..

      I was the person that paid for the web page for Gregory Thayer.

      Just before the election Gregory came out with an article endorsing Joe Benning for lieutenant Governor in spite of all of the things he said about Joe Benning prior to that.

      None of us that worked on his campaign could believe he would do this to us…

      When we started calling him out publicly he denied that he ever asked us to do a write-in campaign for him on many sites.

      So here we are today with the same person who deceived The people that worked so hard on a write-in campaign for him, as well as the voting public, running for lieutenant Governor again.

      I called him out for being a liar on a GOP page because I don’t feel a person who lies about the people that work so hard to support him and the people that voted for him should even be interested in him as a candidate again.

      He’s in called me a liar claiming he never asked us to do a right in campaign.

      As I started to post the proof that he did indeed ask us to do a right in campaign for him I was immediately blocked on that page however Gregory was allowed to continue..

      I am sure some of you in this forum remember many of us attempting to get you to do a right in for Gregory Thayer in the last election..

      I am disturbed with a GOP that would cover up for a man that is willing to lie about the people that supported him and the people that voted for him and support him as a candidate.

      I don’t know about you guys but I am sick of Republicans telling us to elect Republicans because we are a big tent and there is room for everybody..

      Personally I am sick of liars and if they are under the big tent of the Republican party it’s no tent that I want to remain under..

      I’d rather stand out in the rain because that is eventually where we are all going to end up until we begin to scrutinize every candidate and vote based on their credibility.

      I continue to get banned for posting the truth however I don’t know if any of you had the opportunity to read the article from John Klar pushing for people to vote for Kennedy..

      I did not support John Klar when he ran for governor in the state of Vermont.. after doing research I found out that he voted for people on the left and supported all of them including Bernie Sanders.

      I just didn’t think he was a good fit under the Big tent of the Republican party after he sold us out for so many years…

      Because of that Terry Burke the chair of the Rutland County GOP called me a liar on John Clark’s page claiming I never spoke to John Klar or anything that I was just out bashing him…

      First of all I don’t think exposing the truth about anyone is bashing them… Educating the public about someone wanting their vote certainly is not bashing.

      She called me a liar and then she blocked me..

      I dug back through all of my records including my phone records and woe and behold I had a copy of my phone call that I had made to John…

      Do you think that Terry Burke has ever apologized for her terrible behavior towards a member of the Republican party? Nope!

      I went round and round with the Rutland County GOP again when they kept promoting Erica Redic on the Rutland GOP page as being a Republican candidate when she was running as a libertarian… Violating party rules does not get them blocked… But telling the truth gets a member of the Republican party blocked for honesty..

      I know I’m rehashing old stuff but it’s nothing but a continuation of the madness we are living under if we buy into the propaganda to JUST VOTE REPUBLICAN without scrutinizing candidates and without being able to expose their lies to the voting public.

      I can understand that if I was lying about someone and I should be blocked

      I can understand that if I was violating the rules of the Republican party that I should be blocked

      However none of this happens in the GOP to people who want to cover up the truth and break the party rules..

      The same party that tells us to vote Republican never showed up when Gerald Malloy had a bus from a news station show up in Rutland Vermont to support his campaign last time for senator in the state of Vermont..

      There was a big event in Rutland Vermont and not one elected Republican showed up to support Gerald Malloy in a run for one of the biggest offices that would help us save our state.

      I for one will not vote blindly for anyone in the Republican party.

      I am sick of being lied to and falsely blocked on GOP sites because they cannot handle the truth from the voting public.

      One of the comments I heard at almost every person I approached going door to door for Gerald Malloy when he ran for senator was I do not trust the Republican party..

      We need to wake up or we are going to lose our beautiful little state..

    • I apologize for typos in my statement I use my cell phone and I speak into it but sometimes it does not print what I say…

      I just noticed that I missed where it says blow it should say vote..

    • Thank you for sharing your experiences. Whether it be left or right, no one can question the self-appointed, know-it-alls, follow-me, trust-me, wolves in sheep’s clothing. If anyone dare question or point out the obvious, the default mode is to slander, smear, gaslight, and meltdown into a blathering, slobbering, spitting fit. I see it on the national front and local front. Follow the money – many are getting exposed feeding from the same corporate troughs, compromised, and blackmailed just like their friends (comrads) across the aisle.

    • Imagine being so ignorant or stupid (take your pick) that you could vote for a constitutional amendment that makes killing a baby a right. The founders of our constitution would be aghast at the thought itself, not to mention the act of doing it.

      Also imagine a legislature that ignores other rights in the same constitution after swearing to an oath to defend it from harm under the pains and penalties of perjury.

      The problem is that our esteemed reps and senators know that violating their oath actually means nothing to them because there are no pains or penalties for violating it. Oaths of office are only as good as the honesty of the person raising their hand and swearing to them.

      These same office holders have the legislative council of lawyers to guide them out of the unconstitutional territory and they ignore them knowing that unconstitutional laws have to be challenged in court, costing thousands of dollars. Their attorneys are paid by the taxpayers. People like this have no shame, they have to be voted out and replaced by honorable politicians if you can find any.

      This November would be a good opportunity for them to gain a little respect for the people they are supposed to help, not hurt by kicking them out of the government and out of our lives. The time is well past due. Ignorance can be fixed through education but, stupid can’t be fixed or legislated. 112,000 of us voters didn’t vote for this. For those of you who did and need someone to blame for your misery, find a mirror and take a long look. You are the problem and why Vermont is in decline. Take Back Vermont!

    • Well said. Can we vote our way out of this now? It seems we try (and hope!) every cycle for the past 30 years and it only get’s worse and more corrupt. Is it because of who we don’t vote for and those people remain at their desks and on the benches? Is it because those who could actually hold those responsible to account don’t know how or just don’t have the courage for some reason?

      To me, it appears the collective is now grappling and struggling to find a remedy, but too divided and distracted by the despot psyops. All to hide what they have done and stolen over 100+ years of the corporation selling America to the highest bidders. I feel as though more exposures are coming to snap the People out of their delusions and faulty beliefs. The unification is what the despots are fighting tooth and nail.

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