
Legislature considers keeping reporters, public out of Truth & Reconciliation Commission meetings

Mike Donoghue

By Michael Bielawski

A Vermont House of Reprensentatives committee today considered a bill that would allow the state-funded ($1.1 million budget request) Truth and Reconciliation Commission to meet without public and press present.  

A spokesperson for the Vermont press said full transparency is required because the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is involved in state policy work, including the possibility of requiring reparations payments to minorities. 

The bill would require online access only to the meetings. Media members testified against the bill and also expressed concern about efforts to allow public meetings to be held exclusively online.

H. 649 – “An act relating to the Vermont Truth and Reconciliation Commission” can be read here.

Introduced by former Windsor school board chair Rep. Elizabeth Burrows (D-Windsor) would “create certain exemptions from the Open Meeting Law for meetings of the Commission and to permit commissioners to confer with each other; and to create a duty of confidentiality for participants in affinity groups organized by the Commission.”

Specifically, the bill would exempt the Commission from holding physical meetings or naming a physical location for the meetings. When meeting in a physical location, it could bar the public and press “upon a finding by the Commission that there are material threats to the health or safety of the Commission, its staff, witnesses, or invitees.”

A similar rationale was employed to exclude the press and public from last year’s House proceedings on whether to impeach Franklin County John Grismore. Legislative leaders said people testifying might feel afraid to speak openly.

The purpose of the commission according to its state webpage states, “We seek collective liberation from violence and discrimination systemically perpetrated by the State of Vermont. We do this by uplifting community voices through storytelling, researching, and community relationships, and make legislative recommendations.”

Lisa Loomis who is president of the Vermont Press Association as well as the editor/co-owner for the Valley Reporter, spoke first with the committee.

“The Vermont Press Association is deeply concerned on behalf of its members throughout the state but also the public that there is an effort to make state government less transparent and potentially give very special treatment to the Vermont Truth and Reconciliation Commission.”

She also expressed concerns about moving public meetings to online-only.

“The Press Association is equally concerned by efforts, by groups seeking to have the Senate Government Operations Committee to weaken Vermont’s Open Meeting Law by creating a way for boards to hold completely digital meetings and not providing a home base for the public including the handicapped and low-income folks to be able to attend and participate in the public process,” she said.

She added, “The public has a right to attend and participate in the public process regardless of whether they have a smartphone, laptop, or tablet.”

She noted that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a publicly funded body meaning any policy making that they do must be discussed in the light of public observation.

She further noted that such measures would violate Vermont’s Open Meeting Law as well as the Vermont Constitution.

When a lawmaker suggested that the commission might need privacy as a means of safety, Loomis dispelled that notion.

“In my three decades of working in journalism in Vermont there have been three instances where there was a potential for any possibility of more than raised voices and in both instances the boards knew ahead of time and had the local sheriff and/or a state police officer in the room,” she said.

She further clarified that even were the meeting recorded and livestreamed that would not change the necessity that members of the public and press be allowed physically at the meeting.

Michael Donoghue, who is the executive director for the Vermont Press Association, spoke next. He also disputed any notion that public bodies have the right to make meetings private for safety purposes.

“The chair can ask that person be removed or ask the person to leave,” he said. “And that’s been done, I’ve seen that happen at a lot of public meetings in my five decades of covering a lot of public meetings.”

He further noted that Vermont at its status quo currently ranks very poorly for its transparency with the public.

“Some of you may know that Vermont for the longest time was ranked 48th, 49th, or 50th as being the among the least transparent states in the United States,” he said.

Wendy Mays, executive director for the Vermont Association of Broadcasters, also spoke. She made clear that the intention of this commission, as stated in its policy, is to influence public policy.

She says it’s to “examine and establish a public record of institutional, structural, and systemic discrimination in Vermont both past and present caused or permitted by state laws and policies,” she said reading from policy documents.

She continued, “The work that this commission is about to take up is extremely important and the work that they generate will be consequential to all Vermonters.”

She noted that will especially be true if the commission recommends reparations are paid to minority groups with taxpayer dollars.

She pointed out that if the effort as stated by the commission is to establish public records, how can that be done without involving the public?

She said, “How can a public record of systemic discrimination be established and actions be taken if the public does not have access to the majority of the information that led to the commission’s recommendations.”

The whole committee meeting can be viewed here. The bill was also scheduled for discussion in the House Judiciary Committree. 

The author is a reporter for the Vermont Daily Chronicle

Categories: Legislation

34 replies »

  1. You’re chiten me ! What kind of liberty, and freedom loving citizen would think this is acceptable ? Welcome to the People’s Socialist Republic of Vermont !

    • Bill H-649. I urge everyone to read this bill, accessible in the text above; it’s a short 12 pages. This is essentially a scam and serves no legitimate purpose! It seeks $1.1 million for FY 2025 for just start up costs! With at least that amount each year until 2027. For five commissioners. It’s a jobs program for ‘Social Justice Warriors’ who aren’t capable of holding down a real job! And judging by the language, and the mandate of the bill for secrecy, the commission’s function will be to bless all claims of perceived discrimination, without telling the public, and make cash awards to whole groups of other incapable Social Justice Warriors and professional victims. It’s a license to steal from the taxpayers of Vermont !
      This is total BS anyway you look at it!
      Remember this atrocity: H-649, and work against it!

  2. This was the objective behind subjecting Western countries like the US to critical social justice, and the very reason the definition of racism was changed in the dictionary in 2020 to define racism as being caused by systems of oppression and not an attitude or conduct of any one person. The United Nations Council and member nations have been demanding reparations for slavery to be paid for by people who didn’t have slaves and given to people who were never slaves. I am a third generation American of Sicilian decent. My ancestors were captured and sold into slavery my Muslims. By the mid 1950s in America more than 5000 Sicilians had been murdered vigilante style by the KKK due to their dark complexion. I actually shared this information with the state equity office and said based on the fact that my ancestors weren’t here during slavery, and my ancestors were sold into slavery, why am I responsible for slavery? She stated, “Because you’re white!”

    Make no mistake the outcome of this meeting is already determined. Taxpayers will foot the bill for reparations in one way or another.

  3. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
    ― C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

    • Vermont has a lot to hide, and secrets we don’t like talking about. We’ve had secretary of states who support transparency on the one hand, then make it okay to operate in the dark if operating in the light threatens political or fascist agendas. Talking about Agenda 2020/21/30/45 was enough to get one banned from FPF, Digger and so forth before the comments got shut down there. Its not like we EVER liked talking about what’s in the closet that is making all of us enablers of liars and willfully ignorant.
      Transparency is needed for Truth to thrive.
      But, that also means maturity that can be humble enough to accept correction, learn from one’s mistakes, repent, and make honest reparation or amends for damage done.
      Stocks in the middle of town used to take care of these secrets, making them open and available for examination.
      There was also the tradition of tar and feathering politicians and snakeoil salesmen and running them out of time.
      Sometimes, the old ways are the most transparent, and honest.

  4. Everyone knows this is all voodoo in the dark. The left is importing “crazy” from
    CA and other progressive states. There is no new mousetrap being built
    it’s just crazy legislators justifying their existence, and to think they want full
    time pay with gold standard benefits. As it is there is no reason for them to spend so much time in Montpelier. If Texas legislators can meet every other year why can’t we. Texas who has one of the largest economies in the world only meets on odd years for 140 days AND those legislators get paid $600 a month while in session. How the hell does Vermont legislators justify what they do? I will suggest that they make and create work to justify their existence. This is why we are so overregulated in this tiny state of 640K people. We the taxpayers must be insane to allow this kind of governance. Who will save us from this daymare we are trying to survive in everyday?

    • Indeed. Montpelier Space Port – “you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.”

  5. We’ve allowed this by sitting back and doing nothing. We’ve allowed this by not voting or voting without researching, we’ve allowed this by allowing illegal voting, the people will now be imprisoned by own stupidity! Welcome to Socialism!

    • Mice die in mouse traps because they do not understand why the cheese is free.
      The same thing happens with socialism.

  6. This committee calls themselves truth and reconciliation? And they want to meet behind closed doors. That should tell us enough right there that this committee needs to be disbanded. Obviously, they are part of the CCP of America.

  7. H.Jay, you gave us a quote that has nothing to do with the article. Wasted opportunity!

  8. To all: the legislators were sent to the Capital to make decisions. Some are routine; others a novel piece of legislation. At times, the only way to reach a decision is to do what all legislators do — the sit around a table and reach a decision without anyone looking them in the eye. They sometimes make bad calls. But, for Pete’s sake, cut them some slack.

    • Cut them slack? Their policies can only be judged as abject failures. Doing the same thing over and again, expecting a different result.

      Costs are outrageously unaffordable, from food, to energy, to education. Public education is an oxymoron. Drug use is an epidemic – e.g., the latest on kids in ‘safe injection’ sites. Overdose rates and suicide rates have doubled. The homelessness rate per capita in Vermont is the highest in the nation, while taxpayer subsidies per capita for the homeless are also the highest in the nation. The only job growth is in the tax subsidized sectors of government, education, and healthcare – with increasing liabilities for unfunded benefit programs. Young people are moving out of the State in droves.

      And now these same legislators want a raise while they do everything they can to limit transparency? Who do you think you’re kidding? Cut them some slack? Not in your life!

      CHAPTER I.

      Article 9. [Citizens’ rights and duties in the State; bearing arms; taxation]

      “…previous to any law being made to raise a tax, the purpose for which it is to be raised ought to appear evident to the Legislature to be of more service to community than the money would be if not collected.”

    • They not only think that they deserve a raise, they want a full tome job screwing us over. Now that take cajones !

    • Mr. McCormick,
      Our legislators fought for the position they are in. They want to be in charge. I haven’t met them but I would guess that they do not possess the understanding of the job description of Representative or Senator in a Constitutional Republic. I know for a fact my own Rep does not. He cited Edmund Burke: “Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgement; and he betrays you instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.” –Edmund Burke, Speech to the Electors of Bristol, November 3, 1774.
      Which I took to mean, our representative knows better than the people he represents. He had posted that on FPF so I responded:
      “Those who have been once intoxicated with power, and have derived any kind of emolument from it, even though but for one year, never can willingly abandon it. They may be distressed in the midst of all their power; but they will never look to anything but power for their relief.”
      So, I will not be cutting them any slack. They don’t do their jobs.
      They should be required to pass a basic citizenship test, have read several books on their responsibilities, like those of Hannah Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, or any book by Thomas Sowell or Victor Davis Hanson.
      Just my humble thoughts.
      Pam Baker

  9. Your kidding me, right. I will cut these beurocrats some slack when they do the same for me and my wallet.

    • The suggestion to exempt the Truth and Reconciliation process from oversight by the press and public could only be generated by someone who has never known the travails of an oppressive regime. This one is worth standing our ground, in court if need be.

      PS, having been in court in a communist country, and having witnessed oppression by the authorities there, my plea is don’t don’t let them do it!

  10. The Ministry of Truth & Reconciliation having secret meetings. What can be wrong with that?

    Patrick Henry: “The liberties of a people never were, nor will ever be secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them”.

  11. Truth is terrified of sunlight, right? Is that what they are saying?

    People lie and there are liars. Which one hates sunlight the most?

    These are the same people that EARNED one of the lowest ethical grades in the nation, a D-, that was previously a D+ and when they did the ethics committee push, they dragged feet for years, then didn’t fund it, then didn’t give it authority, and the whole while said, well we don’t need this because, we’re so ethical!

    When you start looking under the hood and see the Montpelier engine that runs our state, things don’t look so good.

  12. So, they are going to be giving out reparations? What?

    How do they have the authority to do that? If a crime has been committed, wouldn’t that be the courts?

    Our state is the king in grifting, all the lobbyists and political operatives know that it’s really easy to pass anything in Vermont, like a crazy commission with powers to dole out money for something they decide in private, that has no legal meaning, but if we the taxpayer refuse to fund they will take away our property pronto.

    If you’re wondering about that impoverished feeling, it’s them reaching into your other pocket for more money to give to minorities. Wait till word gets out, we’ll have more people moving here for the “FREE” money they just took from your other pocket.

    What could go wrong here? Oh, where’s the VTGOP on this one?

  13. Thank you for your reporting of this very important issue. Don’t these committees have access to legal council? The proposal is absurd.

  14. There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

    Booker T. Washington

  15. What are they afraid of? Why do they have to hide? Collusion and conspiracy to commit fraud is done behind closed doors. Stealing taxpayer money through lies and deception can’t be done out in the open. The scams of this committee, the DEI department, and all other task forces, committees, and boards are illegitimate, unconstitutional, and they have no authority over the People. They are not formed with consent of the People (voted in) and they all consist of insiders, donors, inlaws and outlaws. Their pretend authority is fake, phony, and false. If people believe they have authority, they are fooled and deceived by the Master of all lies, Lucifer.

    One thing is for sure, they are in panic and the desperation evident here to DC to Davos. If they weren’t losing bigly, they wouldn’t be so inclined to hide and shudder themselves out of site and earshot. Unfortunately for them, the walls have eyes and ears. They are going down – declared and decreed! Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

  16. Basically Vermont has never allowed slavery. If you study Vermont history you will find that slavery was outlawed when we were a colony. We were the first state to outlaw slavery and we sent 50,000 soldiers to fight against slavery during the civil war. We sent more solders per capita than any other state and we suffered 5000 casualties, more per capita than any other state. Tell me again why Vermont tax payers should pay for the sins of the south.

    • The sins never ceased. Modern day human trafficking is revealed, perpetrated and profited by the selected New England traffickers and traders. The tunnel system still operates right under our feet and under our noses to and fro. Symbolism is their downfall.

    • I asked the state equity office the same question. She stated because I was white. All white people are equally guilty regardless. I am a third generation American of Sicilian decent. My ancestors did not live in America during slavery, and my descendents were sold into slavery by Muslims in the Mediterranean. These facts didn’t matter. All white people are collectively guilty and subject to collective punishment. Understand that most of these white people live in Western countries. The real objective is to seize resources and power from Western countries which will be redistributed within and among nations. Slavery is the excuse to milk Western countries of its wealth and global standing.

  17. Vermont is lost. The land and people that nurtured the likes of Ethan and Ira Allen and Calvin Coolidge, who championed liberty, frugality, and personal responsibility, has now completed its descent to total madness.

  18. This is absurd and inexcusable that even a moderate to liberal Republican governor is supporting or funding this at all. The first step for Vermont getting out of socialist control is to stop helping it gain more power.