
Left is weaponizing food, Klar tells popular podcaster

Brookfield author, farmer, and lawyer John Klar discussed Big Government’s attack on small farm producers recently on the “Relatable” podcast hosted by Allie Beth Stuckey, which boasts more than 400,000 followers.

“On the left, they’re trying to weaponize food. They’re saying it’s all about equity,” Klar tells Stuckey. “They’re saying it’s all about cows, and then climate change comes in. But in the end, people need to eat.”

Klar, author of “Small Farm Republic: Why Conservatives Must Embrace Local Agriculture, Reject Climate Alarmism, and Lead an Environmental Revival,” and Stuckey discuss the importance of small, independent farming and the food economy.

They also address why climate activism seems to be a growing religion. They ask why climate activists are trying to get rid of things like cows, which give us food, when things that don’t give us food, such as fireworks, generate many more carbon emissions.

Klar also talks about his getting Lyme disease and how healthy food became essential for healing. They also address the cease and desist he was handed from PETA.


0:00 Intro

01:08 Why write about small farming

05:53 Technomysticism

09:40 Is local farming bad for the environment?

15:10 How to help local farms?

20:15 Lyme disease

24:00 PETA and saving cows

33:12 “Small Farm Republic”

Categories: Agriculture, Media

18 replies »

  1. …not only messing with our food choices, but also our preferred method of cooking it.

  2. Klar is right on the money with this. The left want all of us deplorables dead or enslaved. Preferably dead I should think.

  3. The problem is not that John Klar’s perspective is incorrect, it’s with the proposed alternatives. Our ability to feed ourselves has been vigorously debated since Paul Ehrlich’s ‘The Population Bomb’ and Rachel Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’. That was more than 60 years ago. Since then, the population of the planet has more than doubled – due primarily to massive corporate agriculture.

    I agree with Mr. Klar’s agricultural perspective. I live similarly. I was raised on a farm in Lancaster County, PA. And I, too, am a native Vermonter by virtue of conception. But I digress.

    The problem I have is that I don’t know how we can get from point A to point B without virtually apocalyptic pain and suffering. On the other hand, I realize that the longer we wait, the worse the pain of transformation will be.

    And it is in this vein that we must, first of all, stop the annexation by the State of our personal property and land through property taxes. We won’t be able to grow our own food if we don’t control our land.

    • It’s funny insofar as the “native” stuff. My sister-in-law’s twin niece & nephew were born at SVMC (Bennington) just over 40 years ago. Their mother had them there as they were vacationing at a friend’s home in Cambridge NY – not too far away. At just a couple of weeks of age, they were brought back after their birth in Bennington & their very short stay in Washington County, NY to their (still) permanent luxury Central Park West 6-bedroom condo. They are each as far from typical “Vermonters” as anyone can be in every respect. They are both consummate urbanites from NYC.

      Good thing no one claims any of this nonsense is rooted in science. Or do they? ‘Cause I’m fairly sure neither of them even care for maple syrup.

    • As I said, Kathleen, we digress.

      Consider, instead, what it means to turn this ship around without capsizing it.

      Or, maybe, we should stop wasting time and grab our individual life vests, such as they are, and let the ship sink.

    • Yes, I agree with your analogy & also know full well most of this stuff doesn’t mean a hill of beans in the end. I just find it rather amusing sometimes, and your personal story reminded me of the aforementioned twins “from Vermont”.

      But, yeah, pretty sure the Communists coming for us aren’t going to find it either amusing or of any significance whatsoever.

    • Mr. Eshelman, in my own humble opinion, we absolutely cannot get from A to B without pain. Change is pain; profound change means profound pain. Trite I know, but no less true. Transformation, as you alluded to, by definition requires tearing down the old and building. All of this requires labor, sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears. Pain. This will not be pretty nor easy. “Hard Times Create Strong Men, Strong Men Create Good Times, Good Times Create Weak Men, Weak Men Create Hard Times”. It is the cycle of human civilization… so far.
      Many have done it before us and most of us will come through it.
      Unless the stuff of apocalyptic fiction comes to pass, we should prevail. I just hope we don’t make a world like Cormac McCarthy envisioned.
      Pam Baker

  4. Why don’t you quit giving this rotten mfer face time? Klar is evil. He sucks. And you suck for promoting him.

    • Wow. That was really offensive. I think you broke every one of VDCs comment guidelines in two sentences.

  5. Let’s not forget how Michelle Obama was mocked mercilessly by the right for many of the same ideas that Klar proposes 15 years later

  6. i will increase my garden size 400 percent this year/// i have stock piled fire for next winter/// if your going talk the talk you had better walk the walk/// 50 percent of people that comment will not make it sorry to say///

  7. Conservatives should definitely embrace small farmers and sanity on climate change.

  8. wow/// one person comment///they must of stole all the no trespassing signs/// and another subject/// big mike/// we will not talk about///

  9. In short, it is called the globalist agenda. The weaponizing, controlling, and poisoning of food and water is a global inititiative. We are far beyond the obvious due to the elites accelerating their agenda and the great awakening happening at the same time. Good v. Evil. Pick a lane now – the battle is on!

  10. If you want an example of what happens when you start digging into the globalist/WEF plan for food control look into the mystery of iceagefarmer, a frequent online critic of them. Last year (I think) he had a mystery meeting with RFK Jr and then completely dissappeared.

    Online conservative censorship is only going to get worse and worse.

  11. Instead of focusing on “left”, “right”, “native” or “transplant” or whatever other demographic we can sling at each other… why don’t we instead… gather our inestimable powers, heretofore largely untapped, and get a food sovereignty amendment in our state constitution? We need to start now; it needs to be pushed as hard as the most recent amendment to our state constitution.

    • The first order of business is enforce the US and State Constitutions as written. However, being the USA and the State of Vermont are corporations, the corporations must be dissovled and all conspirators and colluders sent to prison or eliminated per the law as written. Then, we won’t have the installed despots around anymore. The people will be free to create new businesses and follow new endeavors. Liberty or death – that is where we are at currently, globally.

      The good news is death is coming for the corrupt system of delusion we’ve been under for over 100 years. God wins!