
Juvenile arrested for ‘Get Yours’ burglary, biting cop, stealing car

A 16-year-old juvenile (no gender given) was arrested for Burglary, two counts of Simple Assault on a Protected Professional, Resisting Arrest, Grand Larceny, and Aggravated Operating without Owners Consent resulting from an attempted burglary Jan. 31 of Get Yours, a smoke shop/adult products store in Berlin.

An online review calls Get Yours a “store for adults and smokers that offers smoking accessories and intimate products to tarot cards and artwork, Get Yours’ mantra is ‘go out and get what you deserve.”

Berlin police responded to an alarm at Get Yours, located at 465 RT 302 Berlin.  They were told a juvenile was inside the business.  

Once officers were on scene, they surrounded the building and ordered the juvenile out of the building. The juvenile was taken into custody for the burglary.

After the juvenile was in custody, he or she began to resist. The juvenile bit and assaulted two officers. The juvenile was transported to the Montpelier Police Department for officer safety and issued a citation to appear in court in the afternoon of Jan. 31.

Officers later determined the juvenile stole a vehicle prior to committing the burglary and used the vehicle to get to the Get Yours store in Berlin to commit the offenses.  

Categories: Crime

37 replies »

  1. Thus did a handful of rapacious citizens come to control all that was worth controlling in America. Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created. Honest, industrious, peaceful citizens were classed as bloodsuckers, if they asked to be paid a living wage. And they saw that praise was reserved henceforth for those who devised means of getting paid enormously for committing crimes against which no laws had been passed. Thus the American dream turned belly up, turned green, bobbed to the scummy surface of cupidity unlimited, filled with gas, went bang in the noonday sun.

  2. “go out and get what you deserve.” – It is the company slogan, just sayin’

    Perhaps the juvenile took this literally? This is what we are teaching our children in the government schools. What do you expect?

    Tarot cards are not going to help this poor kid. If you believe in spirits, then why wouldn’t you believe in a spirit that loves you and wants to guide you? Why wouldn’t you believe in a spirit that wants you happy and blessed?

    Some might suggest we’ve given our children a trajectory that might not be in their best interests.

    Vermont, “Here’s your sign”…..we’re on the wrong path. TGBTG

    • “go out and get what you deserve.” Just like Abbie Hoffman had no basis to complain when people literally stole the book he authored entitled: “Steal This Book”. But back in those days, you actually did jail time for things like burglary, assault and stealing a car. The country had a heroin problem back then as well and it was not dealt with by taxpayers giving away needles and providing comfortable, medically-supervised places to shoot up. Times have changed. We were paranoid about the dangers of communism back then, and now that Vermont has immersed itself into communism, we are just living the dream…

  3. It’s time to initiate the impeachment proceedings against the law enforcement officer who allowed his/her flesh to be bitten by the victim of Opioid Use Disorder who was simply trying to manage his/her disease in the only way he/she knew how.

    • Rich, some new commentators on this site won’t understand the irony or sarcasm in your comments, they will take it as a directive…..

      oh wait……

      they already are!

    • “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
      ― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

    • Who is the criminal in your scenario?

      And Lenin surely told them the plan? Perhaps Lenin said, “Our farmers need rope to tie their bales of Hay.” Who is the criminal in this scenario?

      Your point perfectly illustrates what many on this format are concerned about. We’d rather not see our neighbors hung by the communists…..

  4. Criminal: a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation.

  5. republicans say they hate sex offenders. They consistently throw around words like castration and the death penalty.


    He couldn’t pass a background check to be a school janitor

    • billfromwhiteplains
      February 1, 2024 at 9:26 am
      “The Capitalists will sell “us” the rope with which we will hang them.”
      ― Vladimir Ilich Lenin
      At least Bill admits he’s a Communist.

  6. President Biden: “Donald Trump, when he was Commander in Chief, refused to visit a U.S. cemetery outside of Paris for fallen American soldiers, and he referred to those heroes and I quote, as “suckers and losers.” He actually said that!”

    “I call them patriots and heroes! The only loser I see is Donald Trump.”

    • Talk about echo-echo-echo chamber. The alleged report of Trump’s ‘suckers and losers’ comment was proven false from the get-go. And everyone, with the exception of a demented Biden-Biden-Biden and Billfromwherever-wherever-wherever, knows it. But, unfortunately, that won’t stop the two of them from lying-lying-lying.

    • In fairness, I should apologize to WhateverBill. He didn’t actually lie, as did demented Biden. WhateverBill simply passed on Biden’s lie, albeit as if it were truth. Afterall, as Ben Franklin opined – ‘Half the Truth is often a great lie’.


  7. Vermont Daily Chronicle appears to be an echo chamber for an endangered species.

    • Well, there is one of you left……lots’ of echo for sure. But then all the problems of the world would be solved if we got rid of Trump and Capitalism? Is that the general gist?

      They want us fighting each other, not solving our own problems.

      So, after they get rid of trump and capitalism, along with a republican form of government, what is the holy grail to nirvana? Move to white plains?

  8. ALL Vermont democrats should request a republican primary ballot and vote for Nikki Haley.

  9. All I know that in days gone by if you bit a cop you’d be missing a few teeth.

    • Incorrect as usual, the witch trials took place within the English colonies.

      However, in days gone by in the USA, Communists would be tried with treason…though it would be quite an undertaking to prosecute & possibly put to death the entire D.N.C.

      Nonetheless, I believe a concerted effort ought to be initiated.

      Sorry, Michael J Hall……once in a while, he’s just too funny!

    • I know, I’ve said those words myself……

      it is pretty clear that some haven’t gotten too far out of White Plains…..they must have as much propaganda as we do in Vermont….

  10. troll/// a dwarf or giant in teutonic folk lore inhabiting caves or hills///webster dictionary///

  11. Yet more VT violent crime. I’d like to tonight heartily thank the State legislature for endowing us with this new, violent Vermont marked by thuggery, amorality, and drug dealing.
    I’d like to also thank the prosecutors of Vermont who rarely prosecute any longer and who openly discriminate on the basis of race and sexual perversities in violation with the state & federal constitutions, as well as their sworn oaths to office.
    And last but certainly not least, I extend my greatest gratitude to the fake news mass media in VT who omit most of the actual news & current events in the State in order to effectively deceive the electorate – thereby maintaining the status quo and facilitating Communism to envelop us all.
    If I’ve forgotten anyone, it’s only because there are so many dangerous subversives to be named & so my thanks to them as well!

    Cue “APPLAUSE” light for the democrat sheeple in the audience.

  12. trolls gather in the basement of the state house/// you will have to visit your self to find the room///

    • A troll is also someone who’s sole mission in life would appear to be to provoke people of another view point on line in opinion pages . They are sad lot of dung flingers .

  13. He or she bit a Cop ?? Wow kid or not, that’s assault on a police officer. If the Cop is not up to date on all his (or her) shots he (or she) will have to get them . I’m sure we will hear all about how this assailant was a victim, but make no bones about it, the real victim is the Cop.

    • I think that Vermont needs to start locking people like that up. Assault on an officer. That kid should be charged as an adult. Criminals don’t deserve to live. Vermont is being ruined by the radical left. Keep the criminals locked up and make child melesters be executed.

    • Let’s vote out the Democrat supermajority in Montpelier. Get law and order back to Vermont.