
John Rodgers to run for Lt. Governor

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A former Democratic Legislator and State Senator to run for Statewide office as a Republican

By Paul Bean

Former House member and State Senator John Rodgers of Glover announced yesterday he is running for Lieutenant Governor of Vermont. 

Rodgers served for eight years in the House Representatives (2003-2011); and a State Senator From Caledonia County for another eight years as a Democrat (2013-2021). 

However, this time Rodgers, a farmer, has decided to make his first run for a statewide Office as a Republican. 

“It’s been too long since the working people of Vermont had a voice,” Rodgers said on a phone call this morning.  “The people that fix things, build things, and keep our society moving. The legislature has been increasing the cost living at pace that far exceeds our growth and income and it’s time they had a voice.” 

Rodgers emerges in the Republican primary in a race against Greg Theyor, who ran in 2022 and lost in the primary to Joe Benning. 

As a self described moderate, He is seeking to find himself in a role where he can help bring more diverse voices to the Republican Party and ultimately the legislature as a whole. “As part of my job as a candidate and when elected, I’m going to start traveling around the state and helping find good candidates for office.”

Rodgers told VDC he thinks the Legislature is lacking someone that is a voice for everyday people. “I want to be the guy who’s bringing the public’s perspective back to the Senate, and act as a public advocate for Vermonters.”

Categories: Elections

23 replies »

  1. I don’t know John, and I don’t pretend to know his policies, but the last thing we need is another Phil Scott who calls himself a moderate. Please don’t be that person giving in to everything the left wants anyways.

  2. Obvious Dino. Claimed on the radio the other day that Pres Trumps destructive policies ruined this country yet refused to name even one.

  3. anyone that did not try to stop the covid kill shot need not apply for any other government office/// we have had enough of these crooks////

  4. Anyone that is not Greg Thayer is good for me. Unlike Klar and Zuckerman, he is an actual farmer too, so he has my vote.

    • Chris, what are you flapping about? Does John Rodgers have cows and sheep? — I just finished lambing: 30 lambs. Your definition of farmer is whacko. Having said that, I’m not running and I support John fully. We must be the “open tent” party that welcomes walkaways, even if they don’t agree with us on every issue. John is a Dem moderate, and could effectively challenge Zuckerman from that direction. He brings a much-needed voice to the Legislature on behalf of working class Vermonters. Greg Thayer is also a friend. Either John or Greg would be better than our current far-left Progressive.

    • Man, the Republicans are in a really bad way. They’re reduced to finding older Democrats to run as “moderate” Republicans.

      He will:
      Hate Trump – the choice of his party
      Reluctantly Agree with gun control – we must compromise to win
      Want to arm police and boost budgets (which is fine but is also scary when coupled with policies to disarm law abiding citizens)
      Say nothing about VFW reforms – because if you can’t hunt why do you need guns?
      Wring his hands about education spending increases but say nothing about the denigration of school curricula.
      Stay silent on constitutional “reforms” which are actually poison pills that will nullify the actual rights contained in the original constitution.
      Talk pablum about Vermont’s labor shortage to justify illegal immigration but never admit that unskilled illegals drive down local wages.

      But, hey we’re winning. Look we got a red hat dude!!!

    • Re: Chris
      Mr. Klar, never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience every time.

  5. Why can’t he run as a democrat, already got one in that office so he will try as a rino. Nothing like the democrats stacking the deck in their favor to win anyway they can. I would only vote for someone to the right of Trump.

    • It would be my guess that John is running because he’s a might further right than Zukerman, and John has had enough of the swill being promoted by the wackos under the “Golden Dome”!

  6. Wonder what tipped him off that sixteen years of being a Democrat politician hadn’t.

    • I will be voting for Gregory Thayer. He will abide by the Vermont Constitution and defend liberty.

  7. I believe John thinks for himself, has a backbone, and will stand up for what he believes. I commend him for changing parties and trying to make a difference for those of us who are being crushed by the out of control liberal government spending our hard earned money here in Vermont.

  8. A DemocRAT running as a Republican. No difference than most of the Republicans who are in the Republican Party..

  9. I vote a straight Republican ticket, partly because of what the Democrats did to my cousin U.S. Senator Walsh. He stepped out of line, was falsely accused of being a spy, and based on this lie, “Saint” Franklin Roosevelt told him to shoot himself. Notable for having even worse taste than Bill Clinton, FDR conspired with his mistress Dorothy Schiff (no relation to “Pencil Neck”) to ruin Senator Walsh with lies printed in the New York Post, which she then owned. Brave man, that John Rodgers: he deserves my vote simply for changing parties, and he will have it (he made a good impression on me during the fight against industrial wind). A versified version of the “Nazi Spy Nest” hoax is included in this book: https://www.lulu.com/shop/ellin-anderson/the-third-hill/paperback/product-q9evrr.html?q=The+Third+Hill&page=1&pageSize=4

  10. In order to run for office in Vermont, one must pledge allegience to either wing of the one bird. Albeit, the far-leftwits have colluded with the DNC to get their money (Bernie negotiated that deal.) The America-first, stand-in-the-gap conservatives frozen out by the old guard establishment RINOS. Otherwise, an Independent get’s no money, no support, no advice, no chance to change the direction of this rudderless ship of fools. There be the line in the sand for those who would take the risk for the sake of saving the State and our communities from ruin. Free-thinkers, critical thinkers, honest, ethical, moral, genuine people need not apply – that is the message ringing through loud and clear. Woe onto them and hang on for the upending – it’s going to be rough sledding here on out.

    • You are under the impression that a Republican candidate gets’s money, support and advice… ha!

    • Too funny Brian….yeah, but that thing they put in your back? That’s a knife.

      It’s a big tent, with a hot mess inside….watch your 6 as they say.

    • Hence the term “frozen out” because if you speak what they don’t want to hear or support (the Constitution (aka the real law and order)) or if you happen to like 45’s policies, you’re kicked to the curb and blacklisted. If you ain’t down with being dirty, you ain’t one of them.

  11. Well, John has a better call to action than the VTGOP

    Tap Trees Not Vermonters. (it is way more republican, and more fun)
    He gave a full-throated populist announcement, which will put him in the direct opposition to Agenda 2030.
    He will find out about what isn’t going on in the VTGOP.
    He will not know about the behind-the-scenes efforts to chastise him and lift up Zuckerman, who is waiting patiently to be governor.
    The VDP will be working on building further depth to the party, possibly setting more people up for national office too, think Dean and Miro…..

    He will learn much these next few months. He will have a better understanding of how rigged things truly are in Vermont. He may become a helpful populist in the future.

    Wonder what he’ll think when he finds out the don’t have lists and they won’t help him run (unless he’s been chosen)……

    Interesting times.

    If there is a republican primary it will be interesting to see how and if he gets through…….

    • That might be the reason to vote for John Rogers. He was against gun control and supports the VT constitution. He also knows the inside of the party he just left and the way they manipulate everything. Look, everyone in NY loved Trump until he became a republican candidate, now they hate him but don’t know why other than what the lame stream media says. And the media is compromised by the left that owns them. John is a Vermonter and has a proven record. I’m not a dem/prog supporter but as the saying goes, It takes one to know one. John Rogers knows where the cockroaches are and he had the foresight and intestinal fortitude to change his mind. Isn’t that what we are trying to do, change minds to save the state? He also has supporters who can spread the word.