
Gender indoctrination in Vermont schools

A Study of informed consent for minors.

Public domain

“As a matter of law, young children cannot properly assess the risks of taking testosterone, let alone surgically mutilating their bodies and embracing infertility.”

Transgender therapies and surgeries for minors are an abhorrent criminal enterprise arising from precisely the same academic hubris and ignorance as the eugenics and lobotomy movements. Vermonters are becoming aware that this vicious attack on young children is being expanded. Vermonters must scrutinize what is being done using public funds, in violation of established parental rights.

When I announced my campaign for governor, the Vermont Democrats pounced on my opposition to transgender surgery for minors. The then-spokesman, R. Christopher Di Mezzo, proclaimed:

Mr. Klar and his divisive, close-minded, and downright disgusting rhetoric has no place in our public discourse. His voice is not one to be celebrated, rather, his place in our politics should be scrutinized from every angle.

Every Republican on the ballot in 2020 should be forced to weigh in on Klar’s archaic stances. Silence in this face of his hateful rhetoric is nothing more than complicity. John Klar has no place in our politics.

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Di Mezzo left Vermont, and is no longer part of “our politics” — a politics in which he and the extreme left wish to quell any discussion (“scrutiny”) of what the University of Vermont is doing with young children. And not just the fetal tissues from late-term abortions that some abortionists sell for lucrative profit, but the similarly lucrative racket of conditioning young children to undergo dangerous experimental gender conversions behind their parents’ backs.

Vermonters must take the ironic advice of Christopher Di Mezzo and investigate for themselves. The first thing they must learn is the science, which clearly shows that gender dysphoria is 1) extremely rare; and 2) generally appears only in very young children, and is 3) transitory. The psychological condition usually disappears over time:

Follow-up studies of children with gender dysphoria until 2013 consistently show that the majority of them will not remain gender dysphoric after puberty and will instead identify as gay or lesbian. People are more likely to keep having gender dysphoria the more intense their gender dysphoria, cross-gendered behavior, and verbal identification with the desired/experienced gender are (i.e. stating that they are a different gender rather than wish to be a different gender).

In other words, kids will “cure” of gender dysphoria if not socially conditioned by school officials and idiotic “justice warriors” to stay messed up.

The social justice left are now extending an extremely rare, temporary condition to persuade all children to embrace a permanent and irreversible “transition” to a new body, at taxpayer expense. This will indeed be determined one day to have been a greater folly than the eugenics “movement” — read on and see why. As I wrote in the article for which I was so sensationally condemned:

The rush to enable these mental illnesses, and to instruct children that they can surgically alter their physiology at whim (“liberating” them?), is indeed dramatically altering what is normal.

American adult society is roiling with confusion over this Brave New Gender World — but kindergartners are already on the front line in Vermont as guinea pigs. This despite substantial scientific evidence that there has been a dramatic explosion in teens (especially girls) of supposed gender dysphoria, reflecting a social  fad more than a biological or mental dysfunction. A study’s author identified the following:

A growing concern about adolescent and young adults suddenly and rapidly developing gender dysphoria after having no symptoms of gender dysphoria during childhood.

The author also described parental reports of whole friendship groups suddenly becoming gender dysphoric and young people becoming gender dysphoric after compulsively watching videos and reading about gender identity on social media.

But the political firestorm that responded to this evidence is telling. The study’s author was attacked, and justifications for this “trend” were quickly fabricated:

Why is this? It could be that the visibility of non-binary individuals allows other people to recognize the truth about themselves. It could be a deep discomfort with misogyny in modern society that leads to girls not wanting to be perceived by the world as girls. It could be something else entirely. Are there members of youth who “try on” a gender diverse identity because the peers they are closest to are gender diverse? If so, is there anything wrong with that? Transgender teens are often encouraged to try to be cisgender. Lesbian and gay teens are often encouraged to try to be straight. Could gender exploration be a healthy part of self-development?

Vermonters, did you catch that? This is not scientific. This is political speculation, which assumes a host of ideological “facts” about gender which are not scientifically established, to perversely conjure an un-scientific speculation to support subjecting teen girls to fertility-destroying mutilations. This is reminiscent of lobotomies, and eugenics as well — both employed similarly perverse rationalizations.

One obstacle to this macabre experimentation has been parental notification rights. These “rights” are grounded not in fathers and mothers, but in the children for whom parents have traditionally been held responsible. The law regards children as incapable of making informed decisions about important “adult” themes — such as drinking alcohol, joining the military, or having sex. This latter idea says that a minor girl cannot legally consent to sexual intercourse, and so an adult who has sex with her is committing “statutory” rape — the statute negates the possibility of consent by minors, by law.

Child-experimenting transgender perverts are hardly the enlightened guardians of young minds and bodies to which they pretend. These vile miscreants are more akin to Hitler’s Scientists, regarding themselves as heroes to justify the most unconscionable of tortures. In order to inflict these horrible atrocities on other people’s babies though, mad scientists had to “get around” that pesky “informed consent” protection for children, so they fashioned an “exception” for “confidentiality.” And so the medical community’s (pathetic) legal rationalization to circumvent parents and obtain consent from minor children without parental involvement came to be:

Many adolescents are concerned about disclosure to their parents of information related to sexual behaviors, substance use, and mental health. Additional reasons include supporting their developing sense of privacy and autonomy as well as protecting them from the humiliation and discrimination that can result from disclosure of confidential information. Offering confidential care can also help young people develop their capacity to engage independently with the health care system. Many exceptions to the parent consent requirement are contained in Vermont’s “minor consent laws.” (See Table 1 and Appendix A). According to interpretations of Vermont law contained in a guide published by the Vermont Medical Society, minors of any age may consent for HIV/AIDS care, contraception, prenatal, delivery, and other pregnancy care, as well as medical treatment associated with rape, incest, or sexual abuse, provided they are capable of giving informed consent (see Table 1 and Appendix A). Confidentiality protections and consent requirements for minors are closely linked but not perfectly matched.

Properly titled, this document would be called “How Medical Providers in Vermont can By-Pass Parents to Experiment on their Young Children.”

UVM is shameless in their bold statement that children should make autonomous life-changing decisions:

At the University of Vermont Children’s Hospital, we believe that all people, including children and teens, should be allowed to live their lives in their preferred gender. Gender identity is not a choice, and it cannot be changed through treatment. We provide the full spectrum of care, from simple observation and guidance to hormone suppression and gender-affirming hormonal therapy for children of all ages. Fertility preservation refers to the freezing and storing of reproductive cells, either eggs or sperm, for future use.

When the right time comes, planning for having children is a part of life. Like everyone else, a transgender person has choices. Once on pubertal suppressive treatment and/or gender affirming hormones, the likelihood of being able to have biological offspring decreases significantly or is not possible at all. It’s good to plan ahead.

The truth is being deliberately hidden from parents. The “procedures” are horrific, and include:

Genital surgery: hysterectomy/salpingo-oophorectomy, reconstruction of the fixed part of the urethra, which can be combined with a metoidioplasty or with a phalloplasty (employing a pedicled or free vascularized flap), vaginectomy, scrotoplasty, and implantation of erection and/or testicular prostheses; Nongenital, nonbreast surgical interventions: voice surgery (rare), liposuction, lipofilling, pectoral implants, and various aesthetic procedures.

GAS are not simply “cosmetic” or ”aesthetic”

Cryopreservation: sperm and oocytes • Consider preserving one or both ovaries at time of hysterectomy.

The next step in this enlightening process to condition children for life-changing, sterilizing “liberation” is the Disclosure Forms for UVM. The form for girls to become boys includes the following disclaimers (and no parent signature!) for minor patients:

I understand that it is not known what the effects of testosterone are on fertility. I have been informed that even if I stop taking testosterone I may or may not be able to get pregnant in the future. I understand that the medical effects and safety of testosterone are not fully understood, and that there may be long-term risks that are not yet known. I understand that testosterone can cause changes that increase my risk of heart disease, including: • decreasing good cholesterol (HDL) and increasing bad cholesterol (LDL) • increasing blood pressure • increasing deposits of fat around my internal organs

I understand that testosterone can damage the liver, possibly leading to liver disease; can cause potentially life-threatening problems such as stroke and heart attack; can increase my risk for diabetes; can be converted to estrogen by various tissues in my body, and that it is not known whether this increases the risks of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, or uterine cancer. Taking testosterone can lead to my cervix and the walls of my vagina becoming more fragile, and that this can lead to tears or abrasions that increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections (including HIV) if I have vaginal sex. I understand that testosterone can interact with other medication (including other sources of hormones), dietary supplements, herbs, alcohol, and street drugs.

The idea that young children can render “informed consent” to this list is laughable. But if UVM eclipses rights developed to protect children for transurguries and therapies, why can these rights not be further eclipsed? Children can’t own guns — why can’t they exercise that decision? Joining the military or driving a car — why aren’t those done behind parents’ backs, to spare children potential discomfort as human beings? But perhaps most visibly, why should young children be protected from sexual predators? — perhaps some will argue the children enjoy sex with old men, and the stigma of compelling them to testify (after all, they consented to what used to be called statutory rape) imposes unfair restraint on their preference for confidentiality in their sexual indiscretions.

If this appears to be an extreme comparison, I submit as an attorney that it is jurisprudentially indistinguishable from the justifications currently employed by UVM to offer these horrific mutilations of young bodies behind parents’ backs. What’s more, Vermont schools are implementing gender pronouns in grade school, and “social emotional learning” programs that amplify this gender conditioning. This while women’s sports are being destroyed, men who claim they are women are being locked into prison cells with unconsenting female inmates, predatory pedophilia is being normalized, and a plethora of similar perversions fills daily newscasts.

Vermont schoolchildren are now bathed in transgender grooming methodology, as a myriad of “teaching resources” created by perverts are implemented on these innocent minds. Vermont schools are being steeped in “best practices on how to support transgender and nonbinary young people,” for a condition that impacts less than 0.002% of them (like vaccinations for a disease with near-zero mortality?). Further, this condition is known to be transitory but is being made permanent via surgeries we are told are not cosmetic but are “medically necessary for mental health.”

This is obscene, and the obscene abusers know very well it is obscene — that’s why they hide it, while chuckling at the parents they manipulate and deceive. According to The Epoch Times, a recent conference

… appeared to be about teachers showing other teachers how to undermine the authority of parents and school administrators and conceal activities related to gender inclusion and sexual orientation from them. Caldeira and Baraki led a workshop called “How we run a ‘GSA’ in Conservative Communities,” and they described the obstacles they faced as activist teachers in concealing the activities of these clubs from parents. … The teachers bragged about spying on students’ online searches and activity as well as eavesdropping on their conversations to identify and recruit sixth-grade students into these LGBTQ clubs whose membership rolls are kept hidden from parents. … They suggested that parents who refuse to call their child by pronouns of the child’s choosing should be arrested and charged with child abuse, Murphy said. … When a principal suggested to another parent to enroll their child in a private school over the controversy, Caldeira said, “We count that as a win.”

It may be that a tiny slice of our children require treatment for gender dysphoria. But conditioning kids to embark on this dangerous path is another matter — the parents who do so are the child abusers; not those who love their kids and comprehend their duty to sit beside them while they “consent” to take experimental hormone therapies with unknown risks, surgically alter their sex organs, choose to never have children “normally,” and freeze their sperm or eggs for “future planning.”

As a matter of law, young children cannot properly assess the risks of taking testosterone, let alone surgically mutilating their bodies and embracing infertility. “Confidentiality” has been the UVM Trojan horse by which that consent is shamelessly circumvented. These “experts” are child predators, by any other name. The stakes have never been higher. How many times will Vermont fund embarrassing disasters before it learns a bit of humility?

UVM is not “enlightened.” These minds are darkened to common sense, enlightened by the marvels of science to equal degree with Hitler’s monsters. They merely needed child guinea pigs for their hellish surgeries and experiments — and one day, those guinea pigs will line up to sue, and they will win, due to an utter lack of informed consent.

(Note: UVM changed the links from this original article so that Vermonters would not see the actual forms that were originally linked. They hide the truth, because they know what they are doing is illegal and unconscionable.)

(Originally published at True North Reports on December 1, 2021.)

The author is a Brookfield best-selling author, lawyer, farmer and pastor. Reprinted from the Small Farm Republic website.

Categories: Commentary, Education

9 replies »

    • This one is worth fighting for, as is the bullying epidemic, unauthorized vaccinations, the CRT/DEI indoctrination, or the illiteracy and STEM academic deficiencies, not to mention the $2.5 Billion education system costs that are bankrupting Vermonters to support more than 37,000 public school employees.

      Has anyone looked at their local public school parking lots lately, while school is in session? There seem to be as many cars parked there as there are students in the school.

      It’s so easy to say…. if only we could ‘get beyond’ all of it.

    • The leftists have been obsessed with race for decades now, and they just wanted to add gender for a little icing on the obsession cake. There’s always room for some more victimhood in the twisted world of liberals.

  1. Last night on a local, poetry Zoom a young woman recited 2 long, very long, poetic “raps”. During one she touched on several subjects. One was people telling her that she wasn’t a lesbian, a homosexual woman. She was really a man. She objects to this. One was the right of adults to take on a trans role. Another was the horror of drugging and mutilating children in the name of “helping” them. Afterwards I commented on the tendency of the behavioral health industry to drug children and how my own body was so damaged in childhood. One of the attendees burst into a tirdae about, of course, “hate”. We were haters who hated these poor children.
    In all of these tirades there are nticable threads. Of course the anger and ad hominem attacks, and the avoidance of any examination of the biology. The immediate and permanent damage to the human organism.

  2. The UK has recently stopped all surgeries of this kind to minors, made it illegal.

  3. unauthorized vaccinations//// has anybody gone to jail/// you are three years too late/// it now is plenty clear the whole state was used as lab rats/// this gender thing is more of the same agenda/// lab rats////////

  4. Some of us remember how Klar was once a fire breathing Bernie supporter. Spewing conspiracy theories about “the transgender craze” is not going to make us forget Johns socialist leanings. It’s a distraction to make us forget who he was and probably still is.