
Despathy: Thank you VDC, Vermont needs you!

In a world riddled with propaganda and censorship, access to raw, honest news is rare, precious and must be nurtured for the sake of humanity. I give thanks every day when I visit Vermont Daily Chronicle. I know that free speech, meaningful news, and the voice of the people will be there to help me navigate the best path and understand what is in play. Guy Page, the VDC crew and the readers work hard to keep each other informed and share what we have learned on our journey. The breadth of wisdom shared here is astounding; as long as someone is willing to take in new information and think, the education one will receive at VDC is impressive. From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful for the entire VDC crew.

It has always been up to the people to move the world in the right direction, stand strong against abuses and hold steady for the future of humanity.  This fact is continually fortified and will always be part of the human journey. It is beyond beautiful what humans are capable of when they come together and commit to a cause and work for what they know is right and just. Vermont Daily Chronicle provides this vital space and continues its commitment to allow the voice of the people to be heard.

Timely, honest reporting, holding elected officials and special interests accountable, calling out corruption and lies, offering solutions, questioning the stories we are told and providing depth have always been key roles for quality news outlets. Without this, abuses and tyranny will grow exponentially while people suffer. Many news outlets today simply provide curated narratives and censor any writing that dares question these tales. They are selective propaganda machines designed to tell someone how to think versus allowing them to think. All through Covid, VTDigger, Front Porch Forum, Seven Days and several other news outlets censored any conversation or question about masks or vaccines. One-sided stories and half truths are not grounded in reality. This censorship is a true disservice that causes harm and prevents real understanding from surfacing. Fortunately, Vermont Daily Chronicle has not fallen prey to this devastating trend: they would never allow it.

Thank God for Vermont Daily Chronicle holding strong through the storm. Please continue this great work Guy and crew. Vermont needs you, we the people need you!!

Blessings and gratitude,

Alison Despathy

Categories: Testimonial

5 replies »

  1. Beautiful! So true and so well spoken.

    Thank you, Alison, and thank you, Guy and the team at VDC!

  2. Well said Alison! Thank you to you, Guy and the team at VDC! If you want to do two simple things to change the direction of Vermont, donate to VDC and tell as many people as you can about this site.

  3. Merry Christmas to Guy and his team. As we navigate through this Hell on earth, Guy and his team are doing the work God expects us all to do – search for and tell the Truth! God bless and keep up the vitally important work!