
Must-see Video: What hath Bernie wrought?

Former Prog soldier running as GOP to fix ‘the hell’ Burlington has become

Yesterday, VDC ran Paul Bean’s video interview with former Progressive Bill Oetjen, who is now running for the Burlington school board as a Republican. Yesterday, Paul did what Paul does very well: add in a few well-chosen photos and music clips to create a memorable, must-share video. Watch and if you agree with me, share. – Editor

Categories: politics, Video

5 replies »

  1. Bernie is a grifter, grafter, carpetbagging lazy scumbag who started the decline of the once great Green Mountain State. Fast forward 44 years and look how far it has fallen into a Socialist/Marxist/Republic. Welcome to the V.S.R. Beware of Trojan Horses!

    • Great interview, Paul Bean of Northfield. I knew the ancient Paul Bean, Babe’s brother, and they both were most excellent.

  2. In the not too distant future, someone will be tasked with eulogizing Sanders. There will be a struggle to find a notable accomplishment, unselfish character trait or claim he left BTV a better place than he found it.

  3. This guy is a chameleon on the back of a Trojan horse. Once a Bernie lackey always a Bernie lackey.

  4. Perhaps the old saying “you can’t change the spots on a leopard’s back” may help some. The only place where this isn’t the rule (in my opinion) is except GOD. God changes hearts, attitudes, and minds but HE never forces HIS will over someone’s free will.