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Martin: VTGrassroots holds fifth Celebrate America! event this weekend

by Ellie Martin

It’s been nearly a year now since the newly organized group,, sponsored its first Celebrate America event, with China specialist Gordon Chang as our keynote speaker.  

That year, when attending CPAC, I happened to meet up with Gordon and Lydia Chang, and because I’ve followed Gordon for several years, I struck up a conversation with them about my concern for our great state and country, my conviction that China, the CCP is having its way with us.  I shared with them my desire to call out Vermont Grassroots voters to pay closer attention to the loss of their God-given freedoms.  God Bless Gordon!  When he heard that, he immediately pointed out that “We don’t live that far; we could drive to Vermont and help you.”  I jumped on it: “When?”  

And everything from that time on to now has been all about Wake Up, Vermont Patriot: an election is coming! 

Since September 2021 we have continued to sponsor Celebrate America events. Next weekend our fifth such event is scheduled, with nationally known speakers whose messages address directly the issues that are plaguing our great state and its people, with our children especially at risk.   

We in Vermont are not alone. On August 5 through 7, at an exciting new event called Celebrate America!  Church, Health, & Politics in the Public Square, we’ll have the help of people like the Reverend Christopher Thoma and Dr. Carol Swain, author of Black Eye for America, How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House.  

Joining us on August 5-7 will be our own VT State House Rep. Vicki Strong who recently, at the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, met up with leaders from around the country who (like us) are joining forces to preserve our freedom. Vicky has introduced us to Dr. Rick Scarborough (, who is working to raise up 2000 pastors to help get out the vote. Like us, he understands that our and our children’s future hangs on the results of November election.   

It is exciting and encouraging to see and hear that we truly are not alone in fighting back against the evils that have us increasingly under the thumb of communist/Marxist policies, where our schools are teaching our children to “pick their pronouns”;  if white, they are told to regard themselves as privileged, and if of color, oppressed.  

As we all know too well, until recently the government to a stunning degree forced COVID health mandates on us, and penalties were often severe for resisting (what continue to be) experimental injections, ineffective face masks, and countless other deeply damaging social and business restrictions. 

The cost of living, including gas and food shortages, with prices rising, has caused many to lose their jobs, leave our state, close their doors or turn to a life of government subsidies.  None of this is the way of Vermont’s hard-working, private individuals who take pride in caring for themselves and others.  

I do hope and pray you will go to your computer, phone or mail to register to attend this all important event that is geared to provide encouragement and instruction in being winners this election year.  We keep the registration cost low and offer partial attendance options, so that no one is left out because of funds.  And we appreciate all help to cover the cost of expenses to get award-winning authors and speakers to Vermont to inspire, inform, and support us in what many regard as nothing less than the most critical American struggle in our lifetime. 

The author is an Underhill resident and founder of She can be contacted at

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